AmaSync WordPress Plugin
This software is a WordPress plugin used to pull product data from the Amazon API system to display affiliate products on your WordPress site. You can use the Ama Top Product Analyzer and Ama Search Analyzer to create a list of products you would like to promote on your WordPress site, and save those products to an ASIN file, then simply import those products into the AmaSync plugin to quickly plug those products into your site. This software was designed to work hand-in-hand with our AmaSuite software.
Instructional Help Videos
To instantly watch a given help video, simply click the video play button located on the left-hand side of each video listing below. You can also download the videos to your computer by clicking the green "Download Video" button, or watch the video on Youtube by clicking the red "Watch on Youtube" button.
Video 1 - Installation Method #1
How to install AmaSync plugin - WordPress quick method
Video 2 - Installation Method #2
How to install AmaSync plugin - FTP upload method
Video 3 - Uninstall
How to un-install the AmaSync plugin from WordPress
Video 4 - Using AmaSync
How to use AmaSync to quickly add content to your WordPress sites